Sailun Group's Mexican tire project held groundbreaking ceremony

May 21,2024

On May 15, local time in Mexico, the semi-steel radial tire project with an annual output of 6 million units, a joint venture between Sailun Group and Tire Direct (Hereinafter referred to as "TD Company") of Mexico, held a groundbreaking ceremony in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.

The Governor of Guanajuato, Acting Mayor of Irapuato, Yuan Zhongxue, Director of the National Engineering Research Center for Rubber and Tire and Honorary Chairman of Sailun Group, President of TD Company attended the ceremony.

Yuan Zhongxue said in his speech that today is a new starting point, new opportunity, and new direction for the comprehensive cooperation between Sailun and TD Company. It is also a deeper cooperation in the rubber tire industry between Mexico and China from market to factory to technology.

He mentioned that Sailun Group will dispatch the best management team and technical team to build a "flexible factory" that is different from traditional tire manufacturing, and apply the advantageous resources of the entire industry chain such as the "ECO-RUBBER CLOUD" industrial Internet and a full set of intelligent equipment to jointly build a more advanced, smarter and more environmentally friendly tire manufacturing factory in the world, providing green and safe products for the sustainable social development of mankind and public travel.

The Mexican tire project is an important part of Sailun Group's "going global" strategy. Following the construction of factories in Southeast Asia, it is of great significance for Sailun Group and TD Company to jointly invest in the construction of a tire production base in Mexico. It will further improve Sailun Group's global strategic layout, better meet the product needs of global users, especially the North American market, and enhance Sailun Group's competitiveness and share in the global market.

The project has received strong support from the Guanajuato State Government and Irapuato Municipal Government in Mexico. After half a year of hard work, Sailun Group and TD Company mobilized the best resources and broke ground in the shortest time, becoming the first tire company in Malabis Industrial Park, the first local tire company in Mexico and the first Chinese tire company in Mexico.

Mexico, adjacent to the United States, is the world's fourth-largest auto parts exporter, fifth-largest automobile exporter, and seventh-largest automobile producer. Sailun Group has advantages in tire production technology, international production base operation and management, etc.. TD Company is the largest tire dealer in Mexico, with a complete sales network and rich localized operation experience. It is a dealer that Sailun Group has cooperated with for many years and has a good business relationship.

In this "strong alliance", Sailun Group will make use of its advantages in intelligent manufacturing, technology and industrial chain, and join hands with TD Company to start a new journey of global strategic layout in Mexico, and jointly "make great tires" for global users.


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